Showing posts with label Whatsapp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whatsapp. Show all posts

Friday, November 11, 2016

Tips: Whatsapp Text Formatting

Hello Dear Whatsapp User, 

Whatsapp has introduced and integrated text formatting into Whatsapp Messenger which is very to go by. It enables users to format text in three forms; viz, bold, strikethrough, and italic. Unlike text formatting in word, Whatsapp Messenger uses some special characters to achieve that. I have receive a lot of messages and calls about this topic and now I  have to make this post.

To format text, all you need to do is surround the words you want with special characters. Let's take the word "hello" as an example.
To write it in bold, simply type

*hello* and the word will be bold.

Write _hello_ for italics,

Write ~ hello~ for strikethrough