Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Music: 7 Things Upcoming Artiste Should Do!

As an UPCOMING ARTISTE you have to STEP UP YOUR GAME to get the necessary connects. This does not require any sort of financing but hard work, even though it can also help to promote your music and build your brand. You can't sit there in your corner or ghetto with your "good songs" and expect magic to happen. Jesus Christ left the earth over 2000 years or whatever ago and you don't expect him to come pickup your song(s) or video(s) to Radio and TV stations. In fact, I understand that money and or resources are needed to get promotions done for your works but;

As an Upcoming Artiste, you magical face certain challenges especially if you are not financially striving bus that should not stop you from making good music. You don't have to wait for the "Empire" type of recording studio before you start recording your songs. You will have to work hard; making using of the few resources around you and investing with the little you have. Start with the little you have, first connect with the "lowest links" around you then you'll ride through the ranks to the top. You can't record a demo and expect it to be played on BBC 1Xtra - Youre seriously a joke!!!

Write good lyrics and they will sell you to the big ever organizers and promoters. While doing a lazy work by just writing ‘sing to the beat rap’, you will realize that they are actually not going to send you anywhere. Writing a good song forces promoters and listeners to promoters your music without knowing you or meeting you. Don't just ever the booth because you just feel like recording, you'll end up recording trash - what I mean is, analyze your lyrics very well before stepping into the booth. You should be a good story-teller as an artiste who everyone wants to listen to.
Wanlov Da Kubolor says he never paid single payola to any DJ in the world but he was able to make his own connections and create his own market with the type of songs/videos he produce(s).

There is more to music that singing about with a beat. What you record a track or an about, make sure it is standard. Standard here is referring to the quality of the song(s) produced. It should be of high quality, that is, mixed or mastered. In this way, your message to the world will be heard loud and clear in any sound system.

As an Upcoming Artiste, you have to improve upon your interview skills so that you don't get stacked in the middle of any interview at all. Improving upon your spoken language skills, for example English, French etc depending on the society you find yourself. It will help you to easily communicate in an interview while is delivered to a have audience. Always make sure you really know what you are saying. Questions you have no knowledge about can be skipped with a compliment.

To be frank with you humbleness is the driver that will take you to farther destinations as an Upcoming Artiste. If you really know how to be humble and follow simple laid down rules, it will surprise you where you will be in the next few year in your music career. Humbleness includes being punctual with time, being respectful, obedient and truthful. Many Upcoming Artistes have fallen short of this quality even though they have the talent of rapping and singing good songs. If you are one of those who lack this quality then, I may say you’re your own downfall; crippling your music career. Learn how to be and stay humble at least to save your career. Always remember, success begins with humbleness.

Working on your vocal dynamics is a plus to your career in the music industry. This can show how serious one is as a musician or artiste; controlling and managing your voice is a key to a successful music career. There are numerous ways to Upgrade Your Vocal Dynamics. Our next post will be talking about How To Upgrade Your Vocal Dynamics.

Work hard and get connected to the right people and guess what within a short period, the celebrity in you will be seen by the world. Get your lazy ass up on some busy networking and stop blaming the system. If the system is not giving you what you want or need, go get it yourself!!!! If you WORK ON YOURSELF you will.
“Because they say DJs take payola doesn't mean every DJ or Presenter is a payola one!” - Wanlov Da Kubolor

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